Sunday, October 7, 2007

Mulan(filipino version)

Today, I get to watch Mulan with my niece Alexa. It was good actually to have watched Mulan "pinoy Style". The colorful costumes and make up was also good and the actors were really effective in their respective roles. My niece Alexa went to see it and expecting that it would be the same as Disney's version. She was not really disappointed but got scared when the lights went off and kept on asking if when is Mulan goin to sing "reflection".(LOL). I forgot to tell her that the musical play will be in "tagalog". But she appreciated it especially when an enemy of Mulan passed by and shouted right where we were sitting(LOL). She loved the part when snow fell on stage and wanted to go on stage just to see the styropore balls falling on stage. It was really fun and we asked the actors for their autograph afterwards. It was worth it.

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